Astus Boats

Astus Boats Trimarans

Astus Boats trimarans combine excellent sailing performance with practical features. The whole range of Astus Boats have been developed in collaboration with the renowned design agency VPLP design. The floats can easily be extended and retracted with unique telescopic beams, which makes transport by trailer possible and invites you to explore new sailing areas. Astus Boats are available in four models and can be adapted to any desired sailing style with various options.

ASTUS 14.5 Prao & Trimaran – the most compact and handy model, returns to the basics of sailing, for everyone who simply wants to enjoy getting out on the water. Light weight, transport by trailer or on the roof rack of a car. Available as a standard Prao version (outrigger canoe) or as trimaran option.

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ASTUS 16.5 Beachcat – with good sailing performance, modern design and sporty hull shape, stable with 500 L floats, light weight, normal or pivoting centerboard and rudder, minimal draft, easy to handle and transport, with large storage space, in club or sports version with various options.

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ASTUS 20.5 Coastal Cruiser – day or weekend sailer, singlehanded or with family, sporty performance, easy rigging, stable with 930 L floats, improved hull = less spray, spacious cockpit, large trampolines, cabin with berths, variable draft, pivoting centerboard and rudder, in tour- or sports version with various options.

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ASTUS 22.5 Nomad Cruiser – trimaran, for family cruising or competitive sailing on inland water or coastal areas, stable and safe due to 1150 L floats, variable draft thanks to pivoting centerboard and rudder, comfortable interior 4 berths, easy to trailer, with foil option for enhanced performance.

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Why buy an Astus Boats trimaran ?

  • Sporty sailing performance and high end speed
  • Stable sailing thanks to large volume floats
  • Floats extendable and retractable by telescopic beams
  • Transportable on trailer for dicovering new sailing areas
  • Easy rigging, suitable for singlehanded sailing or cruising with family
  • Pivoting centerboard and rudder for variable draft, suited for drying out
  • Functional cabin with practical living and locker space
  • Double trampolines enlarge the total deck space
  • Various options for adapting to any desired sailing style


Astus 22.5 Trimaran *Nieuw*

Astus 20.5 extending floats

Astus 20.5 Trimaran

Astus 20.5 retracting floats

Do you have questions or would you like to have more information about Astus Boats Trimarans ? Please contact Sealion Yachts.

