Boot & Fun Inwater 2023


Look. Try. Buy. at BOAT & FUN INWATER
Friday, 25 – Sunday, 27 August 2023

Riviera feeling and dream boats at the outdoor boat show in Werder (Havel) BOAT & FUN INWATER.

Experience the latest boats, floating houses and high-quality sailing yachts in their element. Take the direct opportunity for a test drive on the picturesque Großer Zernsee. The sales pagodas along the harbor provide for the all-round program. Here you will be informed about boat-related services or offered high-quality accessories as well as functional equipment directly from specialized dealers.

Admission is free of charge!

Werder is located directly southwest of Potsdam and Berlin in the water-rich Havelland. About 10 km from Potsdam and 40 km from Berlin. In recent years Werder an der Havel has developed into a lively center of yachting in Germany and is an important water tourist destination and starting point for trips to the water paradise “Lower Havel”.

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